Excellence in Every Endeavor.

About Perl Inc.

Perl Inc. was established as a parent company of Bryan and Maria Perl’s growing family of businesses.

Bryan got his start in the restaurant industry at the age of 14, bought his first restaurant at 19, and grew his business ventures from there. Maria graduated as a doctor in Cuba and provided care to small, underserved communities in Querétaro. After she and Bryan met, Maria brought her talents to Fond du Lac, Wisconsin.

The Perls keep building innovative businesses together. They have instilled the importance of a strong work ethic in their kids from a young age — along with the lesson of taking opportunities that present themselves.

Bryan and Maria Perl family photo
Fond Du Lac Exit Sign
Fond Du Lac Lighthouse

A rolling Perl keeps gaining momentum.

Staff Photo

Our Why: Why Not?

Perl Inc. thrives on spontaneity. The “why” behind our eclectic collection of businesses is simple: why not?

We believe in embracing opportunities — for us, for our children, and for our community. There’s a method to our madness, though. We value every opportunity and take on those we know will fit well with our visions and allow for growth.

We are focused on growing a family of trusted companies built on our record of excellence because those values — family, customer and employee trust, and excellence in our work — are what drive us each and every day. It’s through our innovations that we continue to improve quality and form new solutions for our customers.

Jacks of all trades. Masters of all.

Our businesses cover a lot of ground. But just because we are jacks of all trades, don’t rule us out as experts. We don’t believe in anything less than excellence for our family of companies.

We set a high standard for ourselves so our customers never have to worry about the quality of the work they are getting. Reach out to us — we’ll find a solution for you.

Everyday people. Extraordinary stories.

Bryan and Maria Perl couple photo

Bryan & Maria Perl

Bryan is a Wisconsinite through and through, from his unrelenting work ethic to his love for racing, events, and outstanding service. Bryan is an idea and action guy who sees new possibilities everywhere — and has an amazing multi-talented team to get things done the right way.

Maria was born and raised in Mexico. Maria’s background in medicine still drives her today. A passion project of hers is to use education as a tool to help people and raise awareness about the importance of healthy nutrition from the very first months of life. Maria believes that building a strong health foundation in children will lead to strong adults.

The story of Bryan and Maria started in Cuba, May 2016. They were both on vacation and met at a bar in Varadero. Their connection was instantaneous. As soon as they started to talk the conversation kept flowing — and has never ended.

Perl Foundation.

If you’ve met us, you know we are passionate about a whole lot of things. The common thread that runs through everything we do? Helping people.

In between our time working on customer solutions, we’re developing initiatives to give back to our community with our Perl Foundation. We are committed to opening the doors for opportunity, providing resources to lead a healthy life, and making the future brighter.

hands in a circle with seedlings